At Meridian, you're not a number – you're a Member.
[Slowing, off-tempo instrumental music]
[A boy sits at the head of a table, smiling, with his mom standing on one side of him. His dad walks towards him and sets down a birthday cake.]
[Close up of the writing on the cake. It says, “Happy birthday account #845469”. The boy’s smile disappears as he reads it.]
[Dissonant, instrumental music]
[Overhead view of people walking in lines, pushing carts with luggage, at the Arrivals section of an airport]
[Close up of an older man with a warm smile waving, as though he recognizes someone who has come to pick him up. His smile fades.]
[Close up of family, surrounded by others waiting, who have come to pick up the older man. The dad stands, not smiling, behind a railing. His daughter stands beside him, not smiling, holding a sign that says, “WELCOME HOME ACCOUNT #304990”.]
[Close up of a young woman, an employee at a coffee shop, reading from a to-go coffee cup]
Account number 9-7-5-7-7-7?
[View of long line at coffee shop, as people waiting in line turn to see whose order has been called]
[Man in a beige coat picks up a coffee cup at the counter, reading the side of the cup and then looking up at the coffee barista]
Um, that’s not my name.
[Overhead shot of people walking in perfect lines on a grey brick road. All are heading in the same direction, except for the man from the coffee shop, who seems to be travelling upstream as he walks in the opposite direction, reading his coffee cup.]
[Automated-sounding narration]
Account number 9-7-5-7-7-7…
[Bright, happy-sounding voice]
[Evan looks up, having heard his name. Behind him, a smiling woman with a Meridian badge and a warm expression, waits for him to turn around. As he turns, he repeats his name quietly.]
[The Meridian employee smiles widely, as soon as Evan makes eye contact with her]
[The Meridian employee waves]
[The two of them stand in front of a large, arched, light blue doorway. Overhead are the words, “TIRED OF BEING A NUMBER?”.]
You ready to get out of here?
[Overhead shot of the blue doors opening. Evan and the Meridian employee walk through the doors together.]
At Meridian, you're not a number, you’re a Member.
[Meridian logo]
Because around here, banking is different.