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Raise the Rate GIC for Business

Raise the Rate GIC for Business

A business GIC that gives you the control to raise your rate

How it works

You get a competitive rate to start with:

3-year Raise the Rate GIC for Business: 3.35%

5-year Raise the Rate GIC for Business: 3.35%

Plus, you can increase your rate. Let’s say you buy our 3-year Raise the Rate GIC, and then a few months later you see that interest rates for similar Meridian GICs have gone up. All you have to do is request a rate change in a branch or by calling our Contact Centre.

This is a great option for you if:

  • You want to set up a long-term investment for your business but you don’t want to miss out on potential earnings by locking into one rate.
  • You like flexibility and security – you can raise your rate when you see a better one, but when rates start going down you can keep earning at the rate you’ve got.
  • Business is steady, so you feel confident that you won’t need access to your money before the term is up.
  • You have a minimum of $100 to invest.


Initial interest rate for 3-year term: 3.35%
Rate match against similar Meridian GICs to increase your rate once over the course of your term 

Initial interest rate for 5-year term: 3.35%
Rate match against similar Meridian GICs to increase your rate twice over the course of your term 

Minimum investment


Accessing your cash

  • This GIC is non-redeemable


  • All rates are annual rates of interest.
  • Interest is calculated/compounded annually and paid annually and at maturity.
  • If you increase your rate, the annual interest paid will be pro-rated based on the two rates used for that year and the length of the time each rate is held. The overall yield will be a combination of the rates.
  • You earn more interest the longer you keep your money invested.


Explore all business rates