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First-time home buyers advice and tools

First-time home buyers advice and tools

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What you need to know about buying your first home

Feeling good about buying your first home is all about confidence. Get the knowledge and confidence you need by exploring how to do your research, choose the right mortgage, find your dream home, and close the deal.

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A black pregnant woman laughs and smiles while her husband pushes their child in a moving box. They are unpacking their living room.
The Meridian First Home Savings Account (FHSA)

Earn 3.00%1 when you open an FHSA High Interest Savings Account.

Do your research

Buying your first home is one of the biggest purchases you’ll ever make. How much can you afford? What can you expect from your first mortgage? Here’s what you need to know.

How much mortgage can you afford?

Are you ready to own a home?

Understanding every step of getting a mortgage

Should you work with a mortgage broker, a bank or a credit union?

Mortgage calculators

5 things you need to know about getting a mortgage if you're self-employed

young couple looking at paperwork in their kitchen

Close on a home and finalize your mortgage

You found a home! What happens now? Here’s what you need to know.

Additional costs of buying a home

Finalizing your mortgage

couple with real estate agent looking at a new house

Questions? There are several ways to get in touch