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At Meridian, you're not a number – you're a business Member.

[Dissonant instrumental music]

[Fade in as a woman in a lab coat, holding a clipboard, walks from an examination room and speaks to people in a waiting room]

Account number 4-3-6-9-9-3, I’m ready to see you now.

[Five people look up from their reading materials, all unsure if she is speaking to them]

[Close up of one of the male patients waiting, who nudges his glasses up his nose, mouth open, looking confused]

[Outside, a man with thinning hair and a moustache, wearing a beige work coat, reads from a clipboard. He carries a toolbox as he walks from the open trunk of his plumbing van.]

Are you Account number 7-7-5-6-2-2? I’m here about the burst pipe.

[Man with disheveled hair stares at the plumber with disbelief]

My name’s Thomas…

[Plumber scoffs, turning away from camera, as if he’s exhausted by people who want to be known by their names]

Ha, ok.

[Overhead shot of a small crowd of customers at the counter of a coffee shop, trying to determine which of the cluster of to-go coffee cups is for them]

Latte for 3-5-4-8-8-0!

[Close-up of an employee’s hand, sliding a to-go coffee cup down the counter. Handwriting on the outside of the cup reads, “account # 375363”. The cup joins a cluster of cups in front of the customers.]

[A woman with a warm expression, wearing a Meridian name tag, looks discouraged as she reaches between the other customers to pick up her coffee cup. She walks towards the camera as she speaks.]

You wouldn't treat your customers like a number. So why let your bank treat your business like one?

[The Meridian employee sets her coffee down on a table, and walks off camera with a warm smile]

[Meridian logo]

Meridian, around here, banking is different.